14 january
Watch the interviews with
Filmteractive 2013 speakers on YouTube.

What are the biggest challenges of multiplatform productions?
Listen to Adipat Virdi – multiplatform producer from UK.
Listen to Adipat Virdi – multiplatform producer from UK.
Here you can find the interview with Adipat Virdi:
All the interviews are published on our YouTube profile:
- Patrice Slupowski (Orange, France)
- Isa Ostertag (ZDF, Germany)
- Fran van Oirschot (Ex Machina, Netherlands)
- Christa Sommerer (Digital Artist, Austria)
- Simon Staffans (MediaCity, Finland)
- Yifat Fouchs (Screenz, Israel)
- Adipat Virdi (Transmediasphere, UK)
Special thanks to The Marshal's Office of the Lodzkie Region - the producer of the footage and Sonia Fizek, Project Manager of 2013 edition, who has interviewed Filmteractive speakers.
20 december
Marry Christmas!

Wishes Filmteractive Team
13 december
„RanyJulek” competition award ceremony video is already online!
Watch the award ceremony of a Million You contest for the most interesting video-interpretation of a poem "RanyJulek" by Julian Tuwim.
Visit our YouTube profile and watch the video.
03 december
Filmteractive 2013 interviews are already online!

Listen to our keynote speaker Patrice Slupowski from Orange – France Telecom and Isa Ostertag from ZDF Germany.
Every Monday till January 6th we are publishing interviews with Filmteractive Conference & Festival speakers.
You can find them on our YouTube profile: www.youtube.com/user/Filmteractive
Our schedule:
- 25.11 – Patrice Slupowski (Orange, France)
- 2.12 - Isa Ostertag (ZDF, Germany)
- 9.12 - Fran van Oirschot (Ex Machina, Netherlands)
- 16.12 - Christa Sommerer (Digital Artist, Austria)
- 23.12 - Simon Staffans (MediaCity, Finland)
- 30.12 - Yifat Fouchs (Screenz, Israel)
- 6.01 - Adipat Virdi (Transmediasphere, UK)
Special thanks for The Marshal's Office of the Lodzkie Region - the producer of the footage
22 november
Learn more about The Kissinger Twins’ projects

Did you like “The Trip”? We strongly recommend you to watch other interactive videos by Kasia Kifert and Dawid Marcinkowski.
The Kissinger Twins were one of the speakers during Filmteractive Festival 2013, where they presented their transmedia project “The Trip”. If you liked it, we advise you to visit their website: www.kissingertwins.com
You can watch there other interactive videos of this amazing multi-media duo:
- "Forget me not"
Interactive video clip; Composer: Andrzej Smolik. Vocal: Emmanuelle Seigner - "Summer camp"
Transmedia storyteling project - "Sufferrosa"
Interactive Web-Based movie
15 november
Catch up with Filmteractive 2013 Speakers
Simon Staffans has over 20 years of hands-on experience in media, from radio to television, from print to online. For 8 years he has been writing his blog “Developing Media – a blog on storytelling over different media”. You can find there many interesting opinions, thoughts, interviews, reviews and reports.
Visit: simonstaffans.com
You can begin with:
“On Transmedia”
“Audience participation – the changing role of the Author”
And you can also read something about Filmteractive:
05 november
Filmteractive 2013 video report is already online!
Visit out YouTube profile: youtu.be/WL2ruu4M3kQ
Check out what do the Filmteractive speakers say about the event:
Olgierd Cygan (Digital One, Poland)
Simon Staffans (MediaCity, Finland)
Ȧsa Berquist Hȧȧl (Hyper Island, Sweden)
Alex Hryniewicz (Maverick TV, UK)
Frank van Oirschot (Ex Machina, Netherlands)
Kasia Kifert and Dawid Marcinkowski (The Kissinger Twins, UK)
24 october
Filmterective 2013 Conference presentations are already online
We are glad to announce, that Filmteractive Conference Power Point presentations are being uploaded to our Slide Share profile:
The missing presentations will be uploaded successively.
18 october
Watch Filmteractive 2013 Report on TVP.pl
Visit TVP.pl: www.tvp.pl/kultura/mloda-sztuka/filmteractive-festival-2013
Watch interviews about Filmteractive, interactive television and second screen solutions.
Find out what do the Filmteractive speakers say behind the scenes:
- Olgierd Cygan (Filmteractive Founder)
- Mariusz Stecki (iTVP HD)
- Frank van Oirschot (Ex Machina)
- Simon Staffans (MediaCity)
- Yifat Fouchs (Screenz)
14 october
Take a look at the Filmteractive 2013 photo report
It’s been two weeks since Filmteractive 2013.
If you already miss us, please visit our Pinterest profile and take a look at the photos: www.pinterest.com/filmteractive/
And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/FilmteractiveFestival
10 october
Hyper Island’s high-end workshop on branded content during Filmteractive 2013

And for those who want more, we have the following information:
Hyper Island is coming to Warsaw on 20 - 22 November to host their world-famous Master Class!
The Filmteractive Participants had a chance to get a sneak peek of the methodology
of the world famous Swedish digital learning institution. The additional attraction on the second Filmtractive day was Hyper Island workshop „What is your perspective on Branded Content?” focused on creating high-end and effective branded content. Almost 60 representatives of the polish advertising and multimedia industry took part in the workshop.
To see the photos visit:
In November Hyper Island is going to visit Poland for the second time. The famous digital learning institution is going to host their Master Class in Warsaw. The 3-day Hyper Island Master Class is an introduction to a new way of thinking about digital, seeking to raise awareness and to inspire participants to create functional change in their organisations.
Learn more at: hyperisland.digitalone.pl
Register at: ssl.hyperisland.com/programs-and-courses/register/omc131112waw
30 september
Summing up the Filmteractive 2013 Conference

The main focus of the speakers' presentations was the application of second screen solutions.
Depicting modern shift in media content production, predicting the future of the traditional television and discussing different aspects of second screen solutions, were just a few motives appearing in the multitude of highly engaging presentations.
Among other speakers, the Filmteractive audience had a chance to listen to the following:
Patrice Slupowski , Vice-President of the New Growth Businesses Division of the Orange group pointed out the phenomenon of the rise in consumption of videos. According to him the recommendation and personalization will be vital for multimedia content in the future.
Isa Ostertag, a managing editor for New Media at ZDF, claimed that experimental and niche projects are important as innovative projects are crucial for the existence of public broadcasters.
Olgierd Cygan, founder and CEO at Digital One, argued that introducing branded content into different media solutions should be governed by several rules: keeping in mind individual strategy of a company, delivering quality content, acting quickly, being transparent and bold.
Alex Hryniewicz, Senior Multiplatform Producer at Maverick Television, claimed that nowadays people get too easily distracted from watching television thus the additional experience is crucial.
Other speakers were: Yifat Fouchs (Screenz, Israel), Carsten Witt (Ooyala, Germany), Frank van Oirschot (Ex Machina, Netherlands), Renaud Fuchs (Second Screen Society Report,UK), Mariusz Stecki (TVP, Poland), Szymon Karbowski (TOYA, Poland), Simon Staffans (Media City, Finland).
30 september
Filmteractive Festival – the place to be for the innovative artists
Filmteractive Festival was devoted to digital creators and artists, who presented their innovative film & crossmedia projects, as well as digital art cases. The Festival speakers were:
Dr Christa Sommerer (Austria), Professor at Kunstuniversität Linz, presented her interactive digital art projects and interactive interfaces, which she has been creating for over 20 years together with her partner Laurent Mignonneau.
The Kissinger Twins (UK | Poland), Dawid Marcinkowski and Kasia Kifert, the winners of this year’s Webby Awards best interactive video presented “The Trip” - a transmedia project inspired by an unusual story of a certain trip to the moon.
Adipat Virdi (Transmediasphere, UK), the well-known transmedia producer presented his most acknowledged project “Searching”. The project looked to raise awareness around honor-based crimes. He used it as a case study to show how multiplatform edutainment experiences can help eradicate Forced Marriages and Honor Crimes.
Arseny Vesnin (Designcollector, Rosja), has presented the best works of the Russian motion design artists.
27 september
"Nullpunkt" from Estonia – the winners of the Filmteractive Market
"Nullpunkt" is a transmedia storytelling project, involving several mediums and several activities, which give the audience the opportunity to immerse into the storyworld and be part of it. Audiences have multiple entry points to the story – the book, the film, casting for the film, the production blog with an alternative narrative, the alternate reality game, the book-crossing activities, theme song writing contest, TV series and many more. One can enter the storyworld starting from any entry point, with the story still being easy to understand and to follow.
To get more information about “Nullpunkt” visit: http://vimeo.com/66665588
26 september
LIVE WEBCAST - 26 september, 14:00-18:00
23 september
We are introducing Sone, our dedicated second screen application

We are happy to announce that this year’s Conference will be covered by a second screen app designed especially for Filmteractive.
With Sone, the audience can interact with the Conference presentations on-the-fly. They get extra content such as hyperlinks, images, movies, sounds and even entire documents delivered to their mobile devices on demand. All synchronized with the speeches live on stage.
The application is designed for Android and iOS.
Sone will have its premiere during Filmteractive 2013 and will be available for download for all Filmteractive Conference participants.
The service is provided by AudioLink Technologies, a Polish company specialising in new technology solutions.
20 september
Pitching Guidelines - Get prepared for Filmteractive Market!
Filmteractive Market is coming. There are only a few days left until the 26th September, when the authors of the top 8 out of 35 submitted projects will pitch live in front of the Filmteractive audience.
But what actually is pitching? And how to prepare yourself for it? Here are the pitching guidelines!
1. Begin your pitch by introducing yourself and listing your qualifications, such as whether you’ve been optioned, sold, produced and/or if you've won or placed well in any competitions or contests. If you haven’t won a contest, or don't have any such credentials, just say you're a "new author." People, in general, can be very hopeful about things that are "new"!
2. Name the log line of your project. It is a brief summary of your project (one or two sentences) often providing both a synopsis of the plot or general idea, and an emotional "hook" to stimulate interest. Contrary to what some people might think, a logline is not a marketing slogan, but is actually a one sentence description of your project.
3. Name the title of your project.
4. Next, include a part that places your project in context by naming its genre and comparing it to a recent commercially successful projects that is similar to yours in its content and/or tone.
5. Now it's time to talk about your project. Here, keep things short and sweet by conveying the key elements of your project as clearly and as concisely as possible. Introduce the main idea, the functions, the technology you are using etc. Don’t forget about the visual elements of your presentation. Prepare a Power Point presentation, a set of photos or footage.
But don’t say everything, tease the audience, leave them wanting more! If they ask for more, answer their questions!
6. In the last part explain why you think your project will have market appeal. Why is your project different from other projects in its genre. Talk about your unique approach.
7. If you have got some time left talk about your inspiration. Tell them what got you interested. Good luck!
12 september
Meet the final eight qualified to Filmteractive Market!
35 projects from across Europe and Canada have submitted to Filmteractive Market.
It was a tough decision as all the projects are innovative, well-thought-out and intriguing. Over the last few days the commissioners were putting their heads together in order to get acquainted with strengths and weaknesses of each project.
Our experts were judging the projects according to the following criteria:
- Level of innovation
- Level of visual/technical excellence
- Market applicability
- Level of feasibility
And here are the results – the final eight:
AudioLink Technologies (Poland)
Deligic (Poland)
Flashback (Denmark)
Genius On Demand (Poland)
Interactive Audiobook (Poland)
MEMBRANE - a touch me cloth (Poland)
Nullpunkt (Estonia)
Syncself (England)
The authors of the top eight projects will pitch live in front of the Filmteractive audience on 26th Sept. 2013.
11 september
One of the UK’s leading multiplatform producers at Filmteractive 2013

Alex Hryniewicz, a Senior Multiplatform Producer at Maverick Television in joining Filmteractive Conference.
Alex is going to tell us about the details of cooperation between Maverick TV and Channel 4 regarding the production of the cross-platform panel show Was It Something I Said?.
Maverick Television is a company producing i.a. online editorials, apps and mobile content, games, web apps, interactive video platforms and multiplatform strategies for more than twenty TV brands. Maverick was recently named the second most respected independent production company by its rivals in an industry poll of the 100 top indies, published in Televisual magazine. It praises the company for “really grasping the potential of multiplatform”.
Alex has worked across numerous cross-platform projects for Channel 4 and the BBC. He managed the development and production of the Bafta award winning Embarrassing Bodies Online from 2008 onwards, helping spin the brand out into Embarrassing Bodies: Live in 2010 - the UK’s first interactive web turnover show. His most recent work has been developing a suite of award-winning iOS Apps for Embarrassing Bodies, developing the cross-platform comedy panel show Was It Something I Said? for Channel 4.
03 september
Hyper Island is coming to Filmteractive 2013!
Get your ticket and take part in the high-end workshop on branded content.

Participate in Filmteractive Workshops and get a sneak peek of the methodology of the world famous Swedish digital learning institution.
The main goal of Hyper Island is to help brands, advertising agencies, and individuals thrive in an ever-changing digital world. While building the revolutionary learning experiences, they are fueled by the philosophy of experiential learning: to approach problems in multiple ways, to reflect deeply, and to draw conclusions with an open, collaborative spirit.
The participants of the Filmteractive workshop organised by Hyper Island will struggle to answer the following question “What is your perspective on branded content?” while exploring topics such as:
- - The new eco-system
- -Storytelling
- -Collaboration: how do we collaborate?
- -Ownership and IP
- -New formats and platforms
- -Measuring success
- -Success factors
- -Crowd-sourcing and co-creation
- -Future challenges to solve
Join Hyper Island on this 1,5 hour workshop and contribute with your views on branded content and entertainment.
In order to take part in Hyper Island workshop, you need to fill in a form on our website and buy a Filmteractive ticket (799zł net). Don’t be late! The number of participants is limited (50 participants).
29 august
World-class expert in second screen solutions and social TV at Filmteractive 2013!

One of the speakers at Filmteractive Conference is going to be Frank van Oirschot – a business creator and co-founder at Ex Machina.
Following the focus of Filmteractive 2013, Frank van Oirschot will acquaint us with the ins and outs of second screen.
Ex Machina is a company headquartered in Amsterdam, with offices in London and San Francisco, and strategic partners in Istanbul, Singapore and Tokyo. Their PlayToTV is the world’s most versatile, proven and international platform for large scale second screen interactivity.
Frank van Oirschot is experienced in building companies around the latest technologies and changes in society. He is passionate about creating innovative ideas with the aim to achieve relevance and impact that deserves the qualification 'dominant design'. Frank worked with RTL, Talpa, Freemantle, ProSieben, Viacom, Zeebox, and Dutch Public Broadcasters.
29 august
Adipat Virdi, transmedia guru, is coming to Filmteractive 2013.
Adipat Virdi is a well-known transmedia producer with his most acknowledged project – Searching. Searching is a Sundance New Frontier Story Lab finalist that looked to raise awareness around honor-based crimes. Alongside this, he has set up Transmediology as a hub for designing experiences, engaging audiences and managing communities within brands and storyworlds.
At Filmteractive, he is going to give a speech on how we have moved from linear narrative to multiplatform content, and why it is important for industry today. As a case study he will be using his project Searching, to show how multiplatfom edutainment experiences can help eradicate Forced Marriages and Honor Crimes.
As a Sneak Peek we can recommend the article written by Adipat Virdi for The Huffington Post: Can Storytelling Stop Honor Crimes?
23 august
at Filmteractive Market 2013.
There are only a few days left before our dedicated expert panel selects the best 8 projects to pitch live and compete for the HBO Award on the 26th Sep. 2013.
They are top media authorities specialising in different fields. Driven by their knowledge, experience and intuition, the experts are putting their heads together in order to decide which of the 35 submitted projects are ready to pitch live in front of the Filmteractive audience.
Let us introduce you to our experts and mentors:
Ilze Gailite-Holmberga
Director, National Film Centre of Latvia (Litwa)
Arne Sommer
Head of Filmworkshop Kiel, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (Niemcy)
Justyna Troszczyńska
Content Acquisition Expert, Onet (Polska)
Isa Ostertag
Transmedia Managing Editor, ZDF (Niemcy)
Andres Joesaar
Head of Media Research, Tallin University (Estonia)
Adipat Virdi
Multiplatform Media Producer, Transmediasphere (UK)
Arkadiusz Świerczewski
Investment Director, Warsaw Equity Fund (Poland)
Simon Staffans
Content Developer, Media City (Finland)
You can see all the experts here.
14 august
Worldwide leader in video solutions at Filmteractive 2013!
Ooyala Video Index

This year at Filmteractive Conference you will have the chance to listen to Neil Berry, vice-president EMEA at
He will introduce the latest data from the Ooyala Video Index, and the global statistics behind the use of the second and third screen.
Ooyala is one of the biggest players on the international video solutions market, with its offices in Silicon Valley, New York, London, Mexico and Australia. The company specialises in analising data on the use of all possible video formats and online television.
Ooyala has received the Top Online Video Innovator award and has been considered by Frost & Sullivan the most innovative video platform. Among its customers are such worldwide brands, as: CNN, Dell, Fox Sports, Sephora, The North Face, Machinima, and many others.
Neil Berry’s presentation is a must for all those, who want to find out how to deploy professional video content for the Internet and beyond.
08 august

Join us for the 2013 edition of Filmteractive. We will take you for a crazy spin through the latest second screen solutions, interactive films, and cross media projects from all over Europe!
08 august
Our dedicated expert panel will access all the projects and select the best 8 to pitch live and compete for HBO Award on the 26th Sep. 2013.
We have received over 35 projects from all around the globe: Poland, Denmark, Lithuania, Russia, Sweden, Hungary, UK, Serbia, Italy, France, Spain, Estonia, and Canada. Among them are interactive videos, cross media projects, web documentaries, and second screen and interactive technological solutions. We can’t wait to share the best 8 with you at the beginning of September 2013. Our mentors and experts are the representatives of the following:
National Film Centre of Latvia, Latvia
Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Onet, Poland
ZDF, Germany
Tallin University | Estonian National Public Broadcasting, Estonia
Transmediasphere, UK
Warsaw Equity Fund, Poland
Keep following us on Facebook, LinkedIn and on our official website for the most recent updates. You can also check out Filmteractive Network.
17 july
Simon Staffans invites to Filmteractive
During the third edition of Filmteractive, Simon Staffans is going to talk about the multiplatform music and corporate storytelling.
Watch his invitation here.
In the meantime, we strongly recommend to follow his blog about the development of the media storytelling: http://simonstaffans.com/
In the meantime, we strongly recommend to follow his blog about the development of the media storytelling: http://simonstaffans.com/
20 june
for the best project of Filmteractive Market! Selected by an international jury of content buyers and audiovisual experts.

We are happy to announce that the projects selected to participate in Filmteractive Market on the 26th September 2013 will get the chance to compete for the HBO AWARD. HBO is an exclusive sponsor of the prize worth of 10.000 PLN!
In order to participate in Filmteractive Market, you need to submit your innovative audiovisual project by 31st July 2013 at project@filmteractive.eu. If your portfolio includes an interactive film, web series, crossmedia project or any other innovative A/V format, do let us know. Our international jury of content buyers and experts will select the best few projects that will get to pitch live at Filmteractive Market and compete for the HBO AWARD.
20 april
The Webby Awards 2013 winners visit Filmteractive!
The winners of this year’s Webby Awards best interactive video will present The Trip at Filmteractive 2013.

The Trip is a transmedia project by Dawid Marcinkowski and Kasia Kifert, inspired by an unusual story of a certain trip to the moon.
Filmteractive Festival – the third module of Filmteractive 2013 – is devoted to the most innovative film & crossmedia projects as well as digital art. Among others, Łódź will welcome The Kissinger Twins, an amazing London-based Polish duo, the winners of this year’s Webby Awards in the best use of interactive video category.
The Trip is an amazing combination of interactive film, a short cinema film, a photography series, and a concept album created by Smolik. The story of The Trip focuses on Jack Torrance’s misterious flight to the moon.
Developed across multiple devices using the latest HTML5 technology, designed for iPad and desktop with an interactive mobile teaser, and released as CD and Vinyl album, The Trip is an ironic view on technology and media.
An exclusive showcase of The Trip will take place in Lodz (Poland) on the 26th September during Filmteractive 2013. The duo will give a short overview of how they work with interactive and transmedia projects. Dawid Marcinkowski is also the author of Sufferrosa, the first Polish interactive film.
The Trip is an amazing combination of interactive film, a short cinema film, a photography series, and a concept album created by Smolik. The story of The Trip focuses on Jack Torrance’s misterious flight to the moon.
Developed across multiple devices using the latest HTML5 technology, designed for iPad and desktop with an interactive mobile teaser, and released as CD and Vinyl album, The Trip is an ironic view on technology and media.
An exclusive showcase of The Trip will take place in Lodz (Poland) on the 26th September during Filmteractive 2013. The duo will give a short overview of how they work with interactive and transmedia projects. Dawid Marcinkowski is also the author of Sufferrosa, the first Polish interactive film.
25 april
Filmteractive Network – online social network for creators and content buyers!
We have launched a dedicated social network for audiovisual creators and content buyers, looking for interesting digital projects.
As part of Filmteractive Market we have launched the first social network for digital & audiovisual artists as well as for those, who are interested in purchasing innovative projects and audiovisual formats.
Filmteractive Network enables the creators to present their projects online, and to network with other artists and professionals.
Do not hesitate and register with us now.
Stay tuned
Leave your email address to receive newsletters.
25 septemberRenaud FuchsSecond Screen
Society Report (UK) -
25 septemberYifat FouchsScreenz (Israel)
25 septemberFrank van OirschotEx Machina
(Netherlands) -
25 septemberSimon StaffansMedia City (Finland)
25 septemberOlgierd CyganDigital One (Poland)
25 septemberIsa OstertagZDF (Germany)
26 septemberArseny VesninDesigncollector (Russia)
26 septemberThe Kissinger TwinsDawid Marcinkowski & Kasia Kifert (Poland)
26 septemberDr Christa Sommerer & LaurentMignonneau (Austria)